
Year 6

Our first topic is ‘Explorers and Adventurers’ and we will be learning about South America.

In English, we will be writing warning stories focusing on our use of figurative language to describe settings. 

Some book recommendations to support your child with their writing are:

- The Wolf Wilder by Katherine Rundell

- The Nowhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie

- Bright Storm by Vashti Hardy 

In Reading we will be focusing on developing our retrieval skills, we will be reading a range of texts including Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill and The Explorer by Katherine Rundell.

In Maths we will be refining the speed and accuracy at which we can use written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will use written methods to support our problem solving and also practise ways in which we can find common factors, common multiples and prime numbers. 

Our Science topic is ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. We will be classifying plants and animals according to shared characteristics. 

In Humanities we will be exploring South America, investigating the human and physical characteristics of the Amazon Rainforest and Brazil. We will also be investigating the question, ‘What impact does exploring new territories have on habitats?’.

In DT, children will be improving their coding skills by creating a functioning cardinal compass; they will then use TinkerCAD to design a sustainable 3D case for their compass.  

In RE Children will be learning about faith and belief in Greenwich. They will be finding out about the religious groups in our local community and will be thinking about how religious groups help others. 

In PE we will be doing Aerobics and Football.

If you want to speak to someone about the Year 6 curriculum please contact the Year 6 Team Leader, Miss Haigh, who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Year 6 Autumn Term 1 2024 Homework

Year 6 Autumn Term 1 2024 Newsletter

Year 6 Parent Info Meeting September 2024

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