
Year 2

In English, we will be learning the text ‘Poppy and the Giant’. We will be learning how to create tension within a story and identify effective language. Within non-fiction, the children will also write a set of instructions about ‘how to trap a giant’. The children will recap adverbials of time and understand how to write commands, using imperative verbs.

In Mathematics, the children will be learning about position, direction and rotation. The children will be learning how to use the language forwards, backwards, left and right and will use this language to describe the position of something to give and follow instructions. The children will also be recapping addition, subtraction and place value.

In Science we will be learning about materials and why objects are made from certain materials.  We will be setting up our own investigation into what materials are fire resistant and we will be taking part in an investigation, recording our predictions and conclusion as a whole class.

In R.E this term we will be learning about the religion of Christianity.

We will:

  • Learn about objects, symbols and leaders that you would find in a church.
  • Learn about the key teachings of Jesus.
  • Identify ways in which Christians worship within a church.
  • Identify ceremonies such as baptisms and christenings.

In P.E this term, we will be taking part in Gymnastics. The children will:

  • Learn how to perform a number of rolls.
  • Learn how to jump from a variety of heights.
  • Complete a routine.
  • Perform a routine to others.

If you have any further questions about the content of the Year 2 curriculum please contact the Year 2 Team Leader, Miss Stannett-Daborn, who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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