
School Uniform

School Uniform Leaflet

Our uniform is a mark of our school’s collective identity. It has been chosen with comfort and practicality in mind, and pupils are expected to present themselves and wear their school uniform with pride.


  • Black or grey knee length skirts, or long trousers
  • Royal blue polo shirt
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or royal blue cardigan
  • Black, blue, white or grey tights
  • Black shoes or  black trainers (no bright laces)
  • Black, blue, white or grey leggings
  • Black, blue, white, orange or grey socks or tights.


  • Black or grey knee length skirts, knee length shorts or trousers
  • Blue and white gingham dress
  • Royal blue polo shirt
  • Royal blue sweatshirt bearing the school logo
  • Black shoes or black trainers (no bright laces)
  • Black, blue, white, orange or grey socks or tights.

Shoes should be, as far as possible, flat and sturdy. Shoes which are high heeled or with thin straps are not permitted as they can be hazardous when running and do no promote good foot health. If children wear boots to school, they must bring alternative shoes to change in to.

P.E. and Games

  • Black knee length shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms
  • T-shirt in the colour of your child's house team (Ochre - yellow; Emerald - green; Indigo - purple; Alizarin - red)
  • Jumper for when doing PE outside (children may use their blue school jumper as long as it is on top of their PE t-shirt)
  • Black pumps or trainers (no bright laces)

Children are NOT to wear baggy or hooded clothes during indoor PE sessions in accordance with health and safety policies.

On the days that the children have PE they can come to school already wearing their PE kit.

It is essential that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name, including coats and P.E. kit. This can be done with sew in tapes or with an indelible pen.


  • No jewellery (other than plain studs for pierced ears) or make-up is permitted.
  • Sun hats or warm winter headgear may be worn, as appropriate depending on the weather.
  • Head coverings (hijab), bands or bobbles for the hair should plain, black, blue, grey, orange or white.  
  • Children should not wear nail varnish to school, for health and safety reasons, as the nail bed is an area first aiders may need to check if there is any injury to the hand or arm.
  • Children from the Sikh community are allowed to wear a kara, which is steel or iron bracelet. As part of the Sikh faith the kara must not be removed.
  • Due to health & safety reasons, for PE and breaktimes it has been agreed with the local Sikh community that all children are requested to cover their kara using a sweatband or other appropriate covering.

Second hand uniform is available to purchase from the Manor Way Office.

Year 6 Children 

  • Year 6 children are to wear the same uniform as the whole school, with the exception of:
  • White, long or short sleeved shirt with collar.
  • School Tie, clip-on or standard.

Uniform (without the school logo) can be bought from most leading supermarkets. 

Uniform (with or without the school logo) can be bought from Casey's Schoolwear Shop.

Address: 246 Blackfen Rd, Blackfen, Sidcup DA15 8PW

Phone: 020 8850 8645

Website: Caseys Schoolwear