

Our Learning this Term:

This half term we are excited to learn a text about ‘Supertato’ and the ‘Evil Pea’. We will discuss our school values and how to encourage the Evil Pea to make kinder choices.  

In Communication and Language, we will learn our new Talk for Writing text about Supertato and discuss the characters and what happens in the story. We will also talk about how our actions make ourselves and others feel. 

In Maths, we will look at how to form each digit accurately, as well as exploring two-digit numbers and the amounts that each digit represents. 

For Personal Health Social and Emotional Development, we will explore the topic ‘Relationships’ by discussing how to be a good friend and to help others feel part of a group. We will also explore ways to solve friendship problems appropriately.

In Literacy, we will use our phonics skills to create wanted posters for the escaped Evil Pea. Explore a range of adjectives to describe characters, such as their size, colours and other features. 

For Physical Development, we will begin to prepare for our upcoming Sports Day by participating and competing in team activities such as races. We will discuss the importance of team spirit and how to work as a team. 

In Understanding the World, we will explore various jobs that people can do, as well as what they wear and what they use. Learn about what to do in an emergency and how and when to call 999.

For Art and Design we will make use of different materials to create superhero and villain masks and costumes. Incorporate costumes in our role play based around our favourite characters. Use fruits and vegetables to print with. .

If you have any questions about the content of the Reception curriculum please contact the Reception Team Leader, Mrs Lizzimore-Wright, who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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