Year 1
This term we will be focusing on settings and events that occur in stories. Our focus texts are ‘Elmer’ and ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. Our focus will be using adjectives to describe and sentence writing, including the use of capital letters and full stops. We will also be looking at what makes a good letter, focusing on the important features and the order of a letter before we write one.
In Maths we will be exploring numbers: counting in groups to complete multiplication and division problems. We will also be revisiting money and telling the time, where children will use their understanding to solve a variety of problems.
In PE, children will continue practising tennis skills this term. They will practise skills they will need for competing at sports day such as running, throwing, kicking. They will also be trying out some volleyball.
In RE this term, we will be further exploring Christianity, looking at different Christian stories from the Bible. Children will be discussing the morals of these stories and have the opportunity to explore religious artefacts.
In Art this term our focus artist is Wassily Kandinsky. We will research his paintings of music as inspirations for our own print work. This term we will also explore painting and how to mix and use colours.
If you have any further questions about the content of the Year 1 curriculum please contact the Year 1 Team Leader, Mrs Sammarco, who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
Year 1 Homework Autumn Term 1 2024