
Home Learning

Home Learning - A Blended Learning Approach

In order to support those children who need to undertake their learning from home, Bannockburn has developed a Blended Learning programme.

Whilst we believe that children learn best in school with their peers and teachers, we understand that the current situation has meant that we need to offer some adaptations to the traditional school day and what we can offer our families.

What is Blended Learning?

Blended Learning is an approach which means we move away from the idea of learning only taking place in a whole class setting to also include an individual learning space at home. Blended learning combines video and other IT resources with more traditional classroom teaching methods in school. With Blended Learning the child has some degree of control over when they access the content at home. The resulting home learning space is transformed into a more individualised learning environment where the school can continue to offer guidance even though the children are not able to be in class.

Why have Blended Learning?

It is vitally important that we maximise the amount of learning opportunities for all children in order to recover some of the lost learning during these challenging times. Bannockburn is looking to ensure no child is left out of the learning environment, regardless of whether they are in school or needing to remain at home.

What Learning do we provide?

The Department for Education recommends that all primary schools provide approximately three hours of learning each day in Nursery, Reception, Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2), and 4 hours a day for classes in Key Stage 2. We offer each child three online sessions using Google Classroom, plus the offer of a weekly Home Learning Pack. In addition, the children in Key Stages 1 & 2 have access to various online apps. These apps include, Mathletics (KS1 & KS2), Times Tables Rockstars (KS1 & KS2), Reading Eggs (KS1 & KS2), Linguascope (KS2 only) and Spelling Frame (Years 2-6).

To assist with home learning whilst children need to isolate we will be using ‘Google Classroom’ which is part of GSuite. It is used to set work for children to access at home (and hand in online if it is appropriate) or it can be used for remote learning if a child is unable to be in school. If being used for remote ‘video’ lessons, we ask that children are appropriately clothed (not in pyjamas etc).

Google Classroom is a secure application with each child having their own personal account. This means that teachers will be able to see what individual children are posting, if they have accessed the learning or if they have handed in their homework once it is completed. It can also be used for a teacher to hold a discussion online with the children contributing to it with their comments. GSuite also has ‘Google Meet’ which is similar to ‘Zoom’. This will enable us to hold online meetings or video lessons if necessary.

Due to the safeguarding of all children we would like to remind everyone about the importance of keeping personal details secure and being accountable for their online behaviour. This includes sharing user details or copying a friend’s log in details. All posts online can be seen by teachers - even the deleted ones!

Google Classroom can be accessed through the website or downloaded as an app to both Apple and android devices. Your child will have their own Google Classroom log-in details, which will include a username and password. If you are having difficulties logging on, please contact the school via:


All children in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) have access to various online learning apps, such as Reading Eggs, Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars, all of which support your child’s learning at home. Each child is given their own log-in and password to access these apps.

For those families who are unable to access the online learning apps or Google Classroom sessions, the school provides weekly Home Learning Packs. These packs are available, upon request, to all of our families. If you would like to receive a Home Learning Pack for your child, please contact school via the designated email address:


In most cases we can offer those families currently self-isolating and unable to come to school, the option of having a Home Learning Pack delivered to where you live.

The time children have at home can also allow them opportunities to read more widely. The school hold reading lists and resources  to enable our pupils to continue their reading beyond the immediate curriculum. It is also important that children are given time to share their home learning experiences when they are back with their peers, enabling them to build some of those relationships again on their return to school.

Please do not worry if your child sometimes finds the work given to them a bit tricky to complete independently. If you would like them to have a try at some other activities, which are easier, that is fine. It is often easier to learn independence by completing work that is a bit easier which then builds confidence. The same can be said for challenge too, so if your child is feeling confident, then let them dip into the activities or tasks that look more challenging.

We recognise that some pupils with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and those with English as an additional language (EAL) may not be able to access remote education without adult support. The school's Inclusion Team work collaboratively with many of our families, putting in place adjustments as necessary, so that pupils with SEND and EAL can successfully access learning opportunities alongside their peers.

We are here to support you and to continue working together while we all adapt to this challenging times.

Tips, advice and where to get support for your child's mental health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Here are five things you can do to support your child:

  1. Talk to them about what’s going on. Find out how they’re feeling and what they’re thinking about, let them know it’s okay to feel scared or unsure, and try to answer their questions and reassure them in an age appropriate manner. Remember, you do not need to know all the answers, but talking things through can help them feel calmer.
  2. Help them to reflect on how they’re feeling and encourage them to think about the things they can do to make them feel safer and less worried.
  3. Reassure them that this will pass, you’re there for them, and you will get through this together.
  4. Spend time doing a positive activity with your child (such as reading, playing, painting or cooking) to help reassure them and reduce their anxiety. This is also a great way of providing a space for them to talk through their concerns, without having a ‘big chat’.
  5.  Keep as many regular routines as possible, so that your child feels safe and that things are stable.

More support at Young Minds

During this stressful time of the coronavirus pandemic, families have to self-isolate and do social-distancing.
Here are tips from Oxleas NHS Foundation that may help parents and children get along better during this difficult time when everyone is closer together for longer.

Positive Parenting Guidance

What positives have come from the current Lockdown worksheet

Greenwich Community Hub

If you need help because you are self-isolating and have not got a family member, friend or neighbour who can help, call the Community Hub.

Seven days a week, call between 8.30am to 6:00pm on: Tel: 0800 470 4831
