
Year 1

In English, we will be focusing on an extract from the book The Three Little Pigs. We will be looking at what makes a good action story and create our own. We will write a balanced argument on whether the wolf should go to jail. 

In Maths we will be exploring different measurements. We will focus on how to measure weight, capacity, volume, height and time. We will compare units of time and use practical resources to measure and compare various objects. We will learn how to recognise half and quarter of a shape. 

We will be researching and naming a variety of common animals. We will be able to name different fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. We will also name the animal’s features, their diet and habitat. We will also be discussing the Five Senses. 

In Humanities this term we will be exploring significant people and events in the past. We will compare Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth, discussing how they are similar and different. We will also be comparing significant events from the past such as the Great Plague. 

In RE this term,  we will be learning about Islam. We will be finding out about the core beliefs, the holy book and the place of worship. We will revisit all the different religions we have learnt over the year. 

In DT this term we will be learning how to create a wheeled toy with an axle. We will explore different types of wheeled vehicles and investigate which materials are the strongest. The children will design and make their own wheeled vehicle. Once completed they will evaluate how effective their vehicle moves. 

If you have any further questions about the content of the Year 1 curriculum please contact the Year 1 Team Leader, Mrs Sammarco, who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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Year 1 Summer Term 1 Homework

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Year 1 Spring Term 2 2024 Homework

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